August 17, 2020: For this edition of PSYCHOTIC BUMP SCHOOL, DJ ROME welcomes two mental health experts from across the country. CLEVELAND ROBINSON, a/k/a THE REAL SOUL AMBASSADOR, is a singer/songwriter and Licensed Professional Counselor out of Dallas Texas who chimes in to speak on the latest in national events impacting the collective mental health of Black men. Additionally, this lively chat takes a creative turn into CLEVELAND's musical pedigree that boasts generational influences from the likes of MJ, Stevie, & D'Angelo. Also, DR. AMANDA RANKIN steps in to bring local perspectives into the public discourse that focuses on the mental health of black women in Chicago, Illinois. A great show, so press PLAY and ENJOY.

Correction: During the show it was mentioned that drummer John Blackwell passed away a year before Prince. John Blackwell's transition date was actually more than a year after Prince's passing after succumbing to a brain tumor. Rest well, John Blackwell (September 9, 1973 – July 4, 2017)

CLEVELAND ROBINSON: @realsoulambassador,


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