We were thrilled to have expert guest, Dr. Helen Hsu, join us for an episode about the important topic of college mental health! We discussed controversy surrounding college re-opening plans and enforcement of physical distancing policies--including what we think we would do if we were college students in 2020. Dr. Hsu shared her observations about how mental health concerns among students have changed both across generations and pre- vs. post-pandemic. She also shared what she thinks is driving those changes. We talked about coping strategies during the pandemic including anti-all-or-nothing-thinking, taking nonjudgmental attitudes towards ourselves, safe socializing, creating a sense of purpose, and learning radical acceptance. We enjoyed making this episode and hope you enjoy listening to it! Thanks so much!



You can follow Dr. Helen Hsu on Twitter and Instagram.

Read her moving article for McSweeney's here: Pixels of Empathy.

Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers Video

Radical Acceptance Video 1

Radical Acceptance Video 2

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