Download Psymposia's MC and Host, Lex Pelger, joins us again on Psychedelics Today to talk about Psymposia's upcoming Blue Dot Tour. Lex also talks about his graphic novel about cannabis, the endocannabinoid system, and the War on Weed. What is the Blue Dot Tour? (From The Blue-Dot Tour is our two-month open-mic Psychedelic Stories road trip across the continent starting on the way to the Psymposia Stage Psychedelic Science 2017 in Oakland. Our goal is to hit blue cities in red states that serve as such pressure cookers of activism, education, and art. But also blue cities in blue states, red towns in red states, purple villages in green states, and anywhere we can find a host from Mexico to Canada. We’ll also be screening Robert Barnhart's excellent film 'A New Understanding - the Science of Psilocybin.' Blue Dot Tour Dates (Subject to Change) For the most up-to-date schedule check out the schedule at  4/06  Boston, MA 4/07 Philadelphia, PA 4/08 Lancaster, PA 4/09 Baltimore, MD 4/11 Athens, GA 4/13 Austin, TX 4/15 Boulder, CO 4/21-23 Psychedelic Science 4/26 Los Angeles, CA 4/27 San Diego, CA Don't see your city on the tour schedule? Reach out to Psymposia to host them in your town/city for an event: [email protected] Show Notes/Links Lex's Book: Anandamide; or, the Cannabinoid: The CROWN - Volume 1: How to Shoot an Elephant Anandamide; or, the Cannabinoid: Chapter 37: SUNset What is Anandamide? Cannabis, Sleep, & Oleamide Psymposia Blue Dot Tour Oprah and MDMA creating holes in the brain Oprah, PTSD, & MDMA Therapy CBD for bone health CBDs & Cytochromes P450 Sci-Hub: Public access to research papers Reddit Dark Web  About Lex Pelger: Lex is Host of Psymposia. He's also a drug writer and scientist based in Brooklyn. His current project, Anandamide or: the Cannabinoid a graphic novel about cannabis (based on Moby Dick), illustrates the beauties of the endocannabinoid system (the Whale), the brutalities of the racist War on Weed (Ahab), and the staggering benefits of medical marijuana to ease the aging of our grandparents

He graduated from Boston University with a BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology