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Guest speakers: Niles Heckman and Rak Razam


Date this lecture was recorded: April 6, 2020
Today's podcast features an audio recording of last Monday evening's live salon. Our guests were film makers Niles Heckman and Rak Razam who were with us to talk about the second film in their series "Shamans of the Global Village". Rak Razam is one of the world’s leading ‘experiential’ journalists, and author of the critically acclaimed book Aya Awakenings: A Shamanic Odyssey and the companion volume of interviews, The Ayahuasca Sessions. Niles Heckmanis a filmmaker with a background working in high-end commercials, games cinematics, and multiple Academy Award-winning teams in Hollywood with New Line Cinema, Warner Brothers, 20th Century Fox, and Marvel Studios. In this episode, they take us on an in-depth journey into the ancient world of peyote cactus rituals.

Niles Heckman - Documentarian
Shamans of The Global Village Episode 2 (trailer)
Screenings: Shamans of the Global Villiage Episode 2
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