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Guest speaker: Terence McKenna


Date this lecture was recorded: October 2, 1992.

[NOTE: All quotations are by Terence McKenna.]>

"The horrible thing about UFO-people who claim contact is that the aliens they present to us are so incredible mundane. [They are] so much more mundane than what you would encounter on a DMT flash. They're just like the neighbors next door."

"With alien intelligence the trick is not to find it but to to recognize it when it's in front of you."

"Intelligence is a very slippery concept. Sometimes we can't even identify it in the person sitting next to us on the bus."

"I think the world is a lot stranger than we can suppose without invoking benevolent aliens who prefer vegetarian diets and who come from the stars. Why do they so fit our preconception of what they would be?"

"I think the best protection against unpleasant experiences on psychedelics is to do it with care and attention in environments that are safe and low on sensory input. In other words, you don't take it and go to a crowded singles bar, or even a rock 'n roll concert. If you have to combine psychedelics with rock 'n roll, do it with low doses."

"I am terrified of psychedelics. I never take them without a sense of sickening dread."

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