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Guest speaker: Timothy Leary


Dates when these interviews were recorded: 1973 and 1992.

[NOTE: All quotations are by Timothy Leary.]

"The best philosophers often end up in prison. ... Most of the men that I model myself after have been lucky if they just got away with being in prison for their ideas."

"I have no more to do with drugs that Einstein has to do with the atomic bomb."

"I based my entire life on Socrates. He's the guy that caused all the troubles in history. His motto was, 'The aim of human life is to know thyself.' And this is very subversive."

"As soon as I studied books about Socrates, I realized that [philosophy] is a dangerous profession because you're teaching people to question authority. I realized that this job which I was going to undertake, the corrupting of the minds of youth, pays poorly, it gets you in serious difficulty with authorities."

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