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Guest speaker: Erik Davis


Date this conversation was recorded: July 22, 2019.

In today's podcast we listen in on a live salon conversation with author Erik Davis, who is an author, podcaster, award-winning journalist, and popular speaker. Erik was also instrumental in establishing the Palenque Norte Lectures at Burning Man, which eventually led to these podcasts from the Psychedelic Salon. In 1999, Terence McKenna first brought Erik to my attention, and it has been a fascinating intellectual ride for me to follow his work since then. In this conversation, among several other topics, Erik talks about his new book, High Weirdness, which explores the work of Robert Anton Wilson, Phillip K. Dick, and Terence McKenna as they strode through the 60s, 70s, and into our future.
Erik Davis' Techgnosis
High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies
by Erik Davis
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Macs – Ctrl-Click, select option

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