Guest speakers: Shonagh Home and Sally


Today's podcast features a conversation between Shonagh Home and a cannabis grower in the State of Washington, where both medical and recreational cannabis are now legal. Among other things, we learn how cannabis can be grown without the use of any chemicals to keep the pests away, thus providing their customers with truly healthy medicine. We also learn about an organization named Certified Natural Cannabis, which is uniting farms that use clean cultivation techniques and that meet or exceed national organic standards. Their mission is to keep cannabis nontoxic and to represent producers and products that use no synthetic chemicals.

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Contact Sally at: synesthesia (dot) sally (at) gmail (dot) com

Certified Natural Cannabis

To get up to speed with Distributed Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and blockchain technology, here are some links that may be of interest to you:
Understand the Blockchain in Two Minutes
About “The” DAO
Blockchain Explained, What is Blockchain?