Guest speaker: Terence McKenna


[NOTE: All quotations are by Terence McKenna.]
“The great emphasis for the fall into history is this broken connection with this Mind in nature.”
“We can move no faster than the envelope of language which we generate to describe our journey.”
“We need to take the engineering of our language seriously.”
“The poverty of our language, that it's such a low-grade signal, that we're using small mouth noises transduced through acoustical space to try and coordinate a global population of six million people. And having media to change that into an electronic signal has not apparently helped us all that much.”
“I heard the electronic media described as the ability to spread darkness at the speed of light.”
“And somewhere in between eloquence and poetry there is a side tree into demagoguery, which you have to watch out for.”
“I think the whole thing about psychedelics is that they synergize cognition, and that cognition allows us to image each other and to understand each other.”
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