Guest speaker: Terence McKenna


[NOTE: All quotations are by Terence McKenna.]
“Boundary-dissolving internal hierophany does in fact reliably occur in the presence of these [psychedelic] plants and compounds.”
“We have become so accustomed to seeking the answer that even as a community we have a lot of trouble figuring out how you just fact the answer, how you come to terms with the options that are actually available.”
“It is not only possible, but millions and millions of people do go from the cradle to the grave without ever having a psychedelic experience. To my mind this is just an instance of an appalling infantilism that is culturally sanctioned.”
“[Psychedelics are] part of the birthright. This is what religion WAS for the first million years before it fell into the hands of men who insist on wearing dresses. It was the celebration of an ecstatic reality that could be coaxed out of a magical relationship with nature. And it's still there. The portals are still there.”
“I'm not an advocate for everything that rolls out of the laboratory. I'm an advocate for things sanctioned by millennia of usage. And to have a profane government interpose itself between you and that reality, why it's ludicrous.”
“The government has never been a major factor in the decisions I made about my program of ingestion.”
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