Guest speaker: Terence McKenna


[NOTE: All quotations are by Terence McKenna.]

“Every drug problem can usually be traced to a previous drug problem.”

“I think drugs are much safer than gurus.”

“I've never been absolutely certain that psychedelics have anything whatsoever to do with the spiritual quest.”

“Academic culture runs very heavily on alcohol.”

“It's hard to live a life where you don't eventually get your mind altered.”

“Anything which changes your mind can be abused as a drug.”

“People who have taken 50 gamma of LSD, or 100 gamma of LSD, or two grams of mushrooms or something like that, they are not qualified to hold forth on the nature of the psychedelic experience, because those doses don't deliver it to you.”

“DMT is the strongest hallucinogen there is. If it's possible to get more loaded than that, I don't want to know about it.”

“A ten minute DMT trip is worth of academic pharmacology, art history, psychology, and all this other malarkey.”

“Clearly we need to transform our language, because our culture is created by our language, and our culture is toxic, murderous, and on a downhill bummer.”

“A shaman is a person who knows the unspeakable secret. And once you know it, there's no going back.”

“If flying saucers were to land on the south lawn of the White House tomorrow, it wouldn't change the fact that DMT is the weirdest thing in the universe.”

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