Guest speaker: Bruce Damer


[NOTE: All quotations are by Bruce Damer.]

“Your brain has distinct pathways that outnumber the number of subatomic particles in the universe by a very large number. . . . Your brain is an information system that is bigger than the whole cosmos.”

“Your brain is reverberating the whole cosmos.”

“We are the great project of being.”

“It's the informal experimenter (in their millions) that is the pioneering front edge of the science of psychedelics.”

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Tom Riedel's light show for this talk
Johns Hopkins "Bad Trip" Survey After Psilocybin Mushrooms 2014
The main survey will take about 30 minutes to complete, and an optional open-ended section could take another 10-15 minutes.

If you have previously completed a Johns Hopkins survey of "bad trips" on psilocybin mushrooms (aka. magic mushrooms or shrooms), please Do Not complete this survey.

This is a questionnaire study of bad trips on psilocybin mushrooms -- psychologically difficult or challenging experiences while under the influence of mushrooms. This research study is being conducted by scientists at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and has been approved by the Johns Hopkins University Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB application number for this research study is NA_00080653. Dr. Roland Griffiths, Ph.D. is the Principal Investigator for this research study. Detailed information about the study is provided in the next few pages. If you need further information please contact ShroomSurvey (at) gmail (dot) com