Guest speaker: Terence McKenna


[NOTE: All quotations are by Terence McKenna.]

“Even a billion people is too much. There's no way back to the simplicity we once knew, but there may be a way forward to the simplicity that we once knew.”

“The human imagination, which is our great glory, has grown so powerful that we can barely unleash it on the surface of the planet.”

“Ideologies are cultural memes. They are the most confining of the cultural memes. That's where culture gets real ugly. It is when you rub up against its ideologies.”

“What we now have is the freedom which attends decadence, or the decadence which attends freedom.”

“For me it's an issue of are we afraid of ourselves? And we inherit a huge bunch of idealogical baggage, not only Christianity, but Freudianism, and Marxism . . . We inherit all kinds of idealogical baggage designed to make us fear ourselves.”

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Book mentioned in this podcast
The Movement of the Free Spirit
By Raoul Vaneigem