Guest speakers: Alicia Danforth & Charlie Grob


Today's podcast features a 2013 Palenque Norte lecture given by Alicia Danforth in which she tells about her work with the autistic community and their use of MDMA. Following that is a recording of a conversation with Alicia and Dr. Charlie Grob, who have just begun a new study to investigate the potential of using MDMA to help ease the social anxiety that is sometimes experienced by our friends and fellow saloners in the autistic community.

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LINKS mentioned in this podcast:
Study Information: MDMA-assisted Therapy for Social Anxiety in Autistic Adults
“What Is Autism?” by Nick Walker

Exploring therapeutic effects of MDMA on post-traumatic stress

Podcast 380 – “Confessions of an Ecstasy Advocate”

Podcast Archive for Gary Fisher

MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy