Guest speakers: Terence McKenna & Edward Snowden


[NOTE: All quotations are by Terence McKenna.]

“Everything flows. Nothing lasts.”

“Language is like an informational creature of some sort.”

“This problem of language is central, I think, to understanding the psychedelic experience.”

“Language is something unfinished in us. It is something that was catalyzed out of animal organization by hallucinogenic activation of brain states, and it is something that is in the act of perfecting itself.”

“When you go into a culture, you're going to make a choice. And all cultures represent narrowing of choices.”

“We're about to have a chance to create a global culture, to essentially clean our basement and decide what we're going to save and what we're going to keep.”

“It's the monotheistic religions that have to take a real knock for the present situation.”

“Monotheism, as a philosophical reflex, is understandable but simple minded. It's what an eight year old would get to.”

“Taking a psychedelic is an experiment. It's not an act of religious devotion.”

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