Guest speaker: Terence McKennna


[NOTE: All quotations are by Terence McKenna.]

“A single chemist can produce ten million hits [of LSD]. Well this is not some guy getting rich, this is about changing history, when you're talking about ten million consciousness-expanding experiences.”

“One of the ways of modeling the psychedelic experience is to see that it dissolves conventional wisdom. It dissolves adherence to group values, because it dissolves all structure, because it dissolves syntax. It shows the provisional nature of syntax.”

“Try and look at consciousness as a resource for want of which we are going mad.”

“And that what we really want, in the domain of planning, is an abandonment of ideology, that ideology is poisonous, all ideology is poisonous.”

“You just can't go wrong as a heretic, because they're always vindicated.”

“Permission for heresy is never a bad idea.”

“Television is not reality. Television is the cultural myth about reality.”

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Books mentioned in this podcast
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