Guest speaker: John Gilmore


[NOTE: All quotations are by John Gilmore.]
“Marijuana, it turns out, is three-quarters of the illegal drug problem, because it's three times as popular as all the other drugs put together. So if you can move marijuana out of the black market and into a legal and regulated market you've gotten rid of three-quarters of the crime, three-quarters of the violence, and three-quarters of the black market money. It changes the dynamics for the other drugs. It makes it much more of a small potatoes thing.”

“If you move away from [Google's] free services you can move away from the part of the Net that's the most heavily surveilled.”

PCs – Right click, select option
Macs – Ctrl-Click, select option
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)Defending Your Rights in the Digital World
John Gilmore's Home Page
Google has been secretly harvesting the passwords of all Wi-Fi devices everywhere