Guest speaker: Myron Stolaroff


This podcast features a few sound bites from several of the previous podcasts featuring Myron Stolaroff, who departed this life on January 6, 2013. Not only was Myron one of the world's leading psychedelic researchers, earlier in life he was instrumental in helping the Ampex Corporation develop the audio and video tape recorders. Below are a few links, videos, and books that more fully illustrate the life of this Renaissance Man.

PCs – Right click, select option
Macs – Ctrl-Click, select option
The Myron Stolaroff Archive on the Psychedelic Salon
Donate to The Stolaroff Collection at Erowid
Myron Stolaroff memorial video

Myron Stolaroff and Gary Fisher in Dialogue

The Gary Fisher Archive on the Psychedelic Salon
A Visit with the Stolaroffs

The Myron Stolaroff Vault at
The Secret Chief:
Conversations With a Pioneer of the
Underground Psychedelic Therapy Movement
By Myron J. Stolaroff
The Secret Chief Revealed
By Myron J. Stolaroff
Thanatos to Eros:
35 Years of Psychedelic Exploration Ethnomedicine
and the Study of Consciousness
By Myron J. Stolaroff
What the Dormouse Said:
How the Sixties Counterculture
Shaped the Personal Computer Industry
By John Markoff
Myron Stolaroff on Wikipedia