Guest speaker: Dr. Maddy Corbin

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[NOTE: All quotations are by Dr. Maddy Corbin.]

“I've been a nerd for a long time. That's how you get a Ph.D.”

“At least in my experience of psychedelics, and people who take psychedelics and why they value psychedelics, is because it helps to critique you. It helps to break you down. It helps to challenge your assumptions. Isn't that part of what we find, whether it's in our meditation or in our psychedelic practices is it pushes you to your edge, and it teaches you about your assumptions that you are making without even realizing it. And you learn to challenge yourself.”

“How can we be as rigorous in our engagement with the outer world as we try to be with our engagement with our inner world?”

“Psychedelics don't actually come from the counterculture. They come out of scientific laboratories.”

“And because it came through a chemical that allowed them to study it, they began to engage with spirituality in a way that was historically unprecedented. The doorway, I argue that [psychedelics] are a doorway through which spirituality entered the scientific laboratory in a way that it usually doesn't.”

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Dr. Michelle (Maddy) Corbin

Dr. Maddy Corbin “The Politics of Knowledge in the Psychedelic Sciences” - Burning Man 2012 from Palenque Norte on Vimeo.
Women's Visionary Congress