Guest speaker: Graham Hancock


[NOTE: All quotations are by Graham Hancock.]

“There are all kinds of ways to challenge ourselves. Some people do it by climbing a mountain or scuba diving. The most profound and challenging ordeals is to drink Ayahuasca. It is in a way the ultimate adventure.”

“I think that ayahuasca requires us to confront the truth about ourselves. That's one of the fundamental, universal experiences of anybody who has drunk the sacred visionary brew of the Amazon.”

“All across the world we have a venal class of dishonest, self-serving bureaucrats who are using the power we give them to impose themselves upon us.”

“You have to understand that we've had more than 40 years now of massively financed propaganda called the 'War on Drugs'.”

“Do we as adults have the right to make decisions about what we put in our own bodies and what we experience with our own consciousness without reference to the powers of the state, or must we seek permission from the state in order to explore our own consciousness?”

“I don't think it's an accident that I started smoking cannabis at round about the time I started researching “The Sign of the Seal”, which is the first book I wrote on a historical mystery. And I don't believe I would have actually written that book if I hadn't had this nudge from this curious plant ally called cannabis.”

“What ayahuasca does is to allow us to make accessible to our senses areas of reality that are normally off limits to us. I believe that those are real, not fiction of the brain. What the shamans call 'the spirit world', what quantum physicists might call parallel universes or parallel dimensions, I think they exist.”

“The model I use is that the brain is a receiver, or a transceiver, of consciousness rather than a generator of consciousness. And that as such, as a transceiver, the receiver wavelength of consciousness may be adjusted. And I think that's what happens with ayahuasca, and I think that we gain access to other levels of reality and the intelligences that inhabit those other levels of reality, which, for some reason, are interested in the human race.”

“We ought to be able, in a responsible society, as responsible adults, to gain good information. If we want to experiment with our consciousness we should be able to gain good and reliable information easily. Instead it's very difficult. We have to go underground. We have to stay out of the mainstream if we want to learn about ayahuasca.” And, “What ayahuasca does is to allow us to make accessible to our senses areas of reality that are normally off limits to us. I believe that those are real, not fiction of the brain. What the shamans call 'the spirit world', what quantum physicists might call parallel universes or parallel dimensions, I think they exist.”

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