Guest speaker: Bruce Damer


Today's program consists of ten separate pieces from a June 2012 workshop at the Esalen Institute, eight of which are by Bruce Damer. Here are the titles that Bruce has given to these short talks:
--Are we all becoming autistic astronauts?
--On our dual bonobo and chimp nature
--The things I loved about Terence
--Esalen @ 50
--"Procreate only once" (and we will have a future)
--The wellspring of human consciousness
--Terence's greatest Rap: Its all about Love, and where to now, Butterfly Hunter?
Following that we will be hearing the two closing segments of the workshop. The first is the “Rap for Terence” by Earth Girl and following that comes Galen Brandt singing her tribute to Terence titled “Aho Terence floating in the sky”

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2012 Palenque Norte Lectures at Burning Man

Podcasts featuring Fraser Clark
"Rave Culture And the End Of The World…as we know it"
"Monkey’s Trip, A Short History of the Human Species"