Guest speaker: Timothy Leary


[NOTE: All quotations are by Timothy Leary.]

“In my function as a [college] lecturer, it's my obligation, it's my task, it's my duty to instigate irreverence for authority, questioning of authority.”

“And that's one of the things that is kind of amazing today, the junk information that we're being inundated with, the cloud, the atmosphere, the smog of disinformation.”

“Reagan is a certifiable lunatic”

“The first narcotics bust in history is Jehovah busting Adam and Eve for eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge.”

“We're getting to one of those moments, one of those great moments in history, when evolution is going to happen.”

“At all costs avoid terminal adulthood.”

“You are as old as the last time you reprogrammed your brain or changed your mind.”

“You're as old as the people you hang out with.”

“There is no reason why any human being should work. Robots work, humans perform.”

“The sensible thing to do about drugs is this, get yourself a really good dealer.”

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