Guest speaker: Timothy Leary


[NOTE: All quotations are by Timothy Leary.]

“The way we define intelligence is the amount of information energy you can receive, that you can store and retrieve, and that you can transmit.”

“It's very intelligent to be able to live as long as you want to. It's stupid to die.”

“It's obvious that the blocks to evolution are anything that keeps you from changing, or discourages you from changing. And almost all the religions tell you, 'Don't change.'”

“There are no bad drugs. There's simply stupid people who don't know how to use them.”

“Drop out means to drop out of any line of conformity to any system.”

“Now I'm telling people to Turn on, Tune in, and Take Over.”

“Wherever you have the big religions, or the big totalitarian forces, they hide the body. They make you feel ashamed of the body.”

“It's hard to have to figure out what do I really feel that I want. It's much harder to be yourself than to be a conforming person.”

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