Guest speaker: Robert Anton Wilson


[NOTE: All quotations are by Robert Anton Wilson.]
“There actually have been studies done at many schools in the big cities where IQ has measurably decreases from the entering of grammar school to graduation from high school. The longer they're there they dumber they get. And some people think that's an accident, or an oversight, or a mistake, but that is the function of the public schools. The function of the public schools is to stop thinking.”

“I perforce had to invent this style of paradoxes to prevent people from thinking they're getting the truth out of my books. What you're getting out of my books is my guesses, my hunches, sometimes my prejudices. … I don't claim to know the truth.”

“And as a matter of fact, governments don't act, governments only react. The bankers make the decisions, and then governments decide how are we going to adjust to this. Government can't do anything unless the bank gives them the money to do it.”

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Links and videos mentioned in this podcast
Robert Anton Wilson (DVD) “The 'I' in the Triangle” from The Original Falcon Press

Artist, saloner, and one of the Brooklyn Bridge 700:
Ken Vallario (Web site)

Ken Vallario's story of his arrest

Information request about
Children of the Revolution: Tune Back In (2005)

OCCUPY STREAM (Video feeds from numerous Occupy sites)
MAKANA the Mighty