Guest speaker: Timothy Leary


[NOTE: All quotations are by Timothy Leary.]

“Now, LSD is a dangerous drug because it's basically a post-terrestrial experience. And for caterpillars to start taking a butterfly drug, it gives you perspectives, and forecasts what's to come.”

“There's perhaps less than ten percent of the population who should even consider, under the best circumstances of disciplined control, to take this drug, because LSD is not a hedonistic, laid-back, multi-orgasm drug. It really isn't. It's a neurological experience. It's a sixth circuit neuroelectric experience, and it's basically preparation for post-terrestrial life.”

“To summarize, I'm an evolutionary agent using electromagnetic energies to broadcast evolutionary signals. The signals are 'leave the planet', 'get smarter', and 'learn how to live as long as you want'.”

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