Guest speaker: Robert Anton Wilson


[NOTE: All quotations below are by Robert Anton Wilson.]

"Every evaluation is an evaluation of the organism as a whole, because the nervous system interlocks with the immunological system, and the endocrine system, and the neuro-muscular system and so on. So every evaluation you make is an evaluation of your whole body, and separating it into mind and body is a fictitious dichotomy. It’s a synergistic process."

"What the front brain knows does not control you at all. It just thinks it does."

"The idea of reality as a singular noun doesn’t make any sense to me at all any more."

"Everybody has their own neurological reality-tunnel, which is why we misunderstand one another so often, and why we misjudge one another so profoundly."

"I don’t think there’s a single drug, psychedelic, antibiotic, aspirin, or anything you can name that has the same effect on two people. People have to find out for themselves which drugs are safe for them."

"Among the drugs that are currently controversial, that is to say illegal, I would say marijuana is the safest."

"I think the dangers of LSD have been overstated to an incredible extent."

"Most problems exist because the verbal form you put them in creates the problem."

"So what you experience tomorrow, if it entirely fits your beliefs today, it’s because you’re not paying attention."

"Every child is intensely curious until they get to school, and the function of school is to kill the curiosity by telling them there is one correct answer, and we know it already, and don’t do any thinking of your own."

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Podcasts Mentioned In This Program
The C-Realm with KMO

The Cannabis Podcast Network
The Dopecast with the Dopefiend
Lefty’s Lounge
Psychonautica with Max Freakout
BB’s Bungalow
Pothead’s Coffee Shop

Blacklight in the Attic

The Entheogenic Evolution with Martin Ball

Ape Reality with Tom Barbarlet’s Artificial Life Interviews with Tom Barbarlet

Shrink Rap Radio with Dr. Dave