Guest speakers: Rupert Sheldrake, Ralph Abraham, Terence McKenna


[NOTE: These comments were recorded on September 3, 1991, and the opinions expressed by the participants in this podcast may have changed in subsequent years.]

Rupert Sheldrake: "If it were just one (crop circle), the hoax theory would be very plausible, but a phenomenon over such a long time period, now with ones turning up in other parts of the world as well, increasing levels – 400 of them last year [1990] in different parts of Britton, this requires quite a large effort."

Rupert Sheldrake: "The alien theory [about the formation of crop circles] is a very rare one among the theories encountered. The one I think is most popular among people who take seriously the phenomenon and think that the hoax theory is not the only possible explanation is that the spirit of the land itself, or Earth mysteries long embedded in these ancient megalithic monuments are sort of coming back to life again and somehow are being reactivated in Brittan’s hour of need, or that Gaia or the Gaian intelligence or the Gaian mind itself is involved in some ongoing dialogue or communication which principally has the effect, year by year, of attracting more and more attention. And the message year by year seems to be ‘Watch This Space’."

Ralph Abraham: "I think we should bet on the red and we should bet on the black. Probably you are right. Probably it’s a hoax. In case it’s a hoax, probably military, all right. But just as the fanatics of this phenomenon can’t dis the hoaxes theory to zero, neither can we reduce the non-hoax theory to zero, therefore, we have to keep our eyes open in case it actually begins to say some understandable intelligence to us. We can’t dismiss it completely."

Rupert Sheldrake: "I think this is the only rational position to adopt, namely to treat it as a natural historical phenomena, or at least a phenomenon. Let’s just say a phenomenon, to investigate it emphatically, I think, is Bacon Ian science."

Terence McKenna: "I’m claiming that orthodoxy is defending itself against magic. It’s a war between reason and magic. … It’s a desperate struggle between rational orthodoxy and magic."

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Crop Circle Links
1. Why real crop circles cannot be hoaxed:

2. Her photos can be found here:

3. Andreas Mueller’s Interview with African Shaman on Crop Formations

4. Interactive site:


Crop Circle Videos
Crop Circles The Best Evidence – Part 1
(This link was broken the last time it was tested.)

Crop Circles The Best Evidence – Part 2

Unsigned Circles

Alien Signs

Star Dreams – The Crop Circle Phenomena

Julia Set

Book mentioned in this podcast

Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults by : Jacques Valle’e

Also see:

Podcast Episode 118: 21st Century Koans