Guest speaker: Lorenzo


Essentially, today’s podcast is a series of short notes to myself, little things that I don’t want to forget"

[The following quotes are by Lorenzo]
"As my Mexican friends sometimes say, ‘If you don’t change your direction, you are going to wind up where you’re heading.’ "

" My problem, I discovered, was that there had been far too much DOING in my life and not nearly enough BE-ing."

"I didn’t own my stuff. It owned me. … I now finally understand that nothing I possess is more precious to me than the opportunity to be able to appreciate a cool breeze on a warm summer’s day."

"When I stopped trying to save the world I also stopped trying to save myself . .. and THAT was a big mistake."

"Perhaps we all will have to first revolutionize our own lives, and then, on the foundations of our individual revolutions, will a new global consciousness arise."

"It seems to me that our beliefs are what ultimately shape our personalities. So who OWNS those beliefs? If I do, then I am a freethinker, in charge of my own destiny. But if my beliefs own me, well, then the institutions that formulate and promulgate those beliefs, they own me."

"I have finally come to grok the fact that the purpose of my life is not to reach a destination. Nor is my life a journey. No, for me at least, the purpose of life is to dance. A dance with no beginning and no end, just an endless dance."

"Here and now. Here and now. All else is but memory and fantasy."


[The following quotes are by Terence McKenna]
"People don’t take enough [psychedelics], that’s all."

"When we talk about the psychedelic experience, it’s not clear we’re all talking about the same thing."

"The way to do psychedelics is, I believe, at higher doses than most people are comfortable with, and rarely, and with great attention to set and setting."

"The psychedelic experience is as central to understanding your humanness as having sex, or having a child, or having responsibilities, or having hopes and dreams, and yet it is illegal."

"These boundry-dissolving hallucinogens that give you a sense of unity with your fellow man and nature are somehow forbidden. This is an outrage! It’s a sign of cultural immaturity, and the fact that we tolerate it is a sign that we are living in a society as oppressed as any society in the past."

"Get it straight. This is about an experience. Not my experience, your experience. This is about an experience which you have, like getting laid, or going to Africa. You must do the experience, otherwise it’s just whistling past the graveyard."

"This is part of our birthright, perhaps the most important part of our birthright. These substances will deliver. It is the confoundment of psychology and science generally, and that’s why it’s so touchy for cultural institutions, but you are not a cultural institution, you are a free and indipendent human being, and these things have your name written on them in big gold letters.

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