Guest speaker: Susan Blackmore


(Minutes : Seconds into program)

03:30 Jon Hanna introduces Susan Blackmore

08:04 "A lot of people kind of think that scientists like myself are kind of pushing the problem [of what is consciousness] away, some are, but there’s a huge excitement about what we do with this mystery, and it’s a very strange mystery indeed."

09:22 "That’s what we mean by consciousness, in contemporary science, what it’s like for you."

09:38 Susan talks about ‘the great chasm’ between mind and brain, sometimes called the ‘fathomless abyss’ . . . "It’s the chasm between subjective, how it is to me, and objective, how we believe it must be in the real physical world. Don’t underestimate this problem."

11:48 "So that’s the sense in which I mean consciousness might be an illusion: not what it seems to be."

18:48 Susan begins her discussion about free will.

24:34 "You can see the readiness potential building up in someone’s brain a long time, a long time in brain terms, before they know they are spontaneously and freely act."

26:56 "We can believe that free will is an illusion. That’s my preferred solution. I don’t want to press it on you, but it seems this way: When you look at these results, and many other results too, consciousness just doesn’t seem to be the thing that starts things off."

51:07 "I suggest, that when you’re walking around in your ordinary life, just realize how much you are not seeing, but you are not seeing it all."

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Books discussed in this podcast





The Meme Machine by Susan Blackmore

Consciousness: An Introduction by Susan Blackmore

Conversations on Consciousness: What the Best Minds Think about the Brain, Free Will, and What It Means to Be Human by Susan Blackmore

Consciousness Explained by Daniel C. Dennett
Susan Blackmore’s books on