Guest speakers: George Greer and Requa Tolbert


(Minutes : Seconds into program)

06:30George talks about how they began to use MDMA in their work.

07:37 "We didn’t want it to get in the newspapers, because we knew that because it felt good it would eventually get out on the street and be made illegal … as it was."

08:30 How people were screened before they could be treated with MDMA. . . . "Where are you pointed?"

10:01 "The purpose for taking it [MDMA] really is the most important thing, more important than the drug even."

12:41 Requa describes the formal structure of a therapeutic MDMA session as developed by Leo Zeff, "The Secret Chief".

16:30 George reads the 18th century prayer that Leo Zeff recommended using before a healing MDMA session.

23:57 "My idea is that MDMA decreases fear, the neurological experience of fear. So if you have a thought that would normally be frightening to you that would make you anxious and tense up and be defensive and push it away, that reaction just is blocked."

30:47 "Women seem to be more sensitive [to MDMA] independent of size . . . actually some research has been done showing women are more sensitive milligrams per kilogram. In Switzerland they found this."

32:33 George describes the work of Dr. Arthur Hastings who used hypnotherapy with former MDMA users to bring back the experience of their medicine session.

33:52 A discussion of beta-blockers.

34:43 "I think that MDMA would be excellent for people who are afraid of dying and afraid of death."

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Abstracts of papers by Greer and Tolbert
"Subjective reports of the effects of MDMA in a clinical setting"

"The Therapeutic Use of MDMA"

"A method of conducting therapeutic sessions with MDMA"