Welcome back to Board With Video Games, covering all the things you play on your table and your television!
This week Josh and Kyle have an episode overflowing with gaming goodness! They start with the second installment of Iello September covering The Big Book of Madness and King of Tokyo. The duo continues on to discuss even more games they have been playing (Borderlands 3, COD MW Beta, Warhammer, and many more). That is followed up by reacting to the first third of lead designer of Magic: The Gathering Mark Rosewater's 20 Years, 20 Lessons Learned talk from GDC 2016. They finish the show by answering some listener questions and leave you with a Well Balanced Life recommendation.
Consider supporting the show at patreon.com/psvg
Visit our discord at https://psvg.blog/discord
Much thanks to our wonderful Patreon Producers - Sean Capri, Edwin Calo, Barry Cathcart, Josh Borbone, Chris M., Devin Tyus, Kyle Haiman, Benny Liu, Nick Metzger, Caroline Underwood, Delvin Cox, Grrouchie Serge, Justin Pickerd, Nathan Thomas, Ryan Craig, Paul Calicoat AND Joel Da Professor Switch Voss.
If you have any questions, topic suggestions, or feedback, please reach out to us @boardwithvg on Twitter and Instagram. Use #boardwithvg, so we know what you are playing and to help grow this awesome community! Also, visit our Facebook page (facebook.com/boardwithvg) and feel free to drop us an email at [email protected].