It's a brand new week and a brand new RDGH as host Glenn "The Commissioner" Gordon, Ben Sterling, and KGB Garri Bagdasarov discuss the long runs of Pokémon and Power Rangers. Of course, they can't start talking about Pokémon without hanging around the topic for awhile, discussing the new evolutions, and why there are TOO MANY FLIPPIN' POKÉMON! Also, why, Nintendo, have you not made a full-fledged Pokémon MMO yet?
It's not all Pokémon though. Guild Wars 2 is getting new megaservers. Should we see these on more MMOs? Why aren't more studios embracing the Vita?
Find this out and more in this new episode. Oh, and The Commissioner apologizes for his moment of dyslexia in the beginning: "How has your been week, Garri?" Really, Glenn Gordon?
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