Can you believe this? They've gone and made another PlayStation Unchained! Ugh, there's already been 115 of these things, when will they stop rehashing this old nonsense? The answer is never! Anyway, Neil hosts this week, ably accompanied by the totem-esque Ben Shillabeer-Hall, the Gargantuan Gaglaush of the Deep known as Garri, and the returning Champion of Reading (the place, not the act of looking at words in a book) Mike Harradence.

The topics include a healthy debate about David Hayter's Kojima-bashing and Ford Focus-shilling, Uncharted 4's potential ending, Dark Souls III being pretty good and Mike talks about his hands-on with the new Sherlock Holmes game.  Fun for all the family!

Ben Shillabeer-Hall
E-mail: [email protected]
PSN: Chille
Neogaf: Chille

Garri Bagdasarov
E-mail: [email protected]
PSN: Gaglaush 

Mike Harradence
E-mail: [email protected]

Neil Bolt
E-mail: [email protected]
PSN: sonofvenom

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