Have you ever wondered how some people rise quickly, within their career, organization, or industry?


Throughout this interview, Dan shares brilliant ideas and strategies for increasing your credibly, and attracting the exact opportunities you want.


In his mid-70’s, Dan is still pushing himself to get outside his comfort zone, have new experiences, meet new people, and most importantly, share what he’s learning along the way.


One of the stories he shares is about how he took a potentially deadly disease and made it into a profitable venture. His outlook on life is remarkable!


He is the author of more than 130 books, has been a publisher since 1969, and is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP).


He is an evangelist for books, an ombudsman for authors, an advocate for publishers, and the godfather to thousands of successfully-published books.


Some of his books are Writing Nonfiction, The Self-Publishing Manual, The Skydiver's Handbook, The Expert Witness Handbook and The Older Cat.


His seminars have been featured on CNN, his books have been pictured in The Wall Street Journal and his story has been told in The New York Times. The media come to Dan because he is the leading authority on book publishing.


His 26-year-old newsletter, Publishing Poynters has a circulation of more than 21,000. Get accesshere.


To learn more about Dan, visitPara Publishing.


To get free information on writing, producing, and promoting,go here.


Thank you, Dan, for sharing your Greatness!


Misti Burmeister