When Lynn Rose opened up for the National Speakers Association’s National Conference this year, all my worries disappeared and I felt more present than I had in months. She was remarkable!


The next morning I had a chance to thank Lynn when she told me, “And to think I walked away from this industry because I just didn’t think I had what it took.”


I was floored! How in the world could someone as talented as Lynn Rose lose sight of her greatness? Suddenly I felt less alone, and more connected to my own greatness.


With that, I asked Lynn to let me interview her for your Provoking Your Greatness podcast. She agreed, and I promise you, you’re in for a treat.


Lynn Rose has not only opened for Jay Leno, Mariah Carey, Sheryl Crow and more and hosted countless TV shows here and internationally, she has been seen on: CBS, ABC, NBC, Entertainment Tonight, Disney, Warner Brothers, W Magazine and more, and is also a go-to Media Mentor for Experts.


Throughout this interview, Lynn shares about how she takes ahold of the steering wheel of her emotions and uses them to catapult her performances, her business, and her clients businesses.


Too often we tend to want to stifle or shut down how we feel when it’s not immediately happy or fun. As Lynn so beautifully shared, to rise to her greatness, she's had to learn the importance of releasing resistance and allow all emotions to surface.


She even shared how she has used anger, resentment, sadness and other challenging emotions to come together to help drive passion and connection in her performances, and as a fire to help expand her business.




She does the same with speakers, leaders, authors, and many others that she serves too! In fact, she gave me some valuable live coaching toward the end of the interview. Of course, the lessons she helped me work through are applicable to all of us, so be sure to listen in and share!


Here are a couple links Lynn references during the interview:


The Peaceful Warrior, by Dan Millman


The Future of LiveStreaming & Business, (Periscope and Blab.im) click here.  


“Ultimately,” Lynn says, “It’s difficult to see what’s on the outside of the label when you’re inside the jar.” Having a coach/mentor help you see your greatness is incredibly valuable.


Get access to Lynn’s “Launch You Now Success FREE Training,” click here.


Visit LynnRose.com to get tons of valuable information, and be sure to sign up for her song, "Stand Up" about standing in your power, her “Visionary process” and other freebies for you.


Here’s to Your Greatness,


Misti Burmeister