Can you imagine being fired for initiative? Better yet, can you imagine firing an employee who consistently went above and beyond to serve your customer and reach your team goals?


Of course not!


Yet, this happens every day. And, it happened to Stacy. Not once, but 16 times in one summer. Remarkably, she now serves as an advisor to many of the very same companies who let her go in her early 20’s.


Stacy Allegro is one of the most authentic people you’ll ever meet. She is passionately dedicated to helping service-based businesses dominate their market by helping teams create extraordinary guest experiences, and connect on the deepest possible level to achieve crazy customer loyalty.


Stacy is remarkable, and you will appreciate the stories she shared throughout this interview. From being labeled ADD at age four (back when ADD wasn’t discussed), to her experience in residential drug rehab as a teenager, to—now— teaching companies how to connect to the human spirit.


Throughout this interview, Stacy goes into great detail about what it means to go Beyond and Beyond, both as a team and an individual contributor.


Having experienced many leaders who failed to draw out talent, Stacy offers 5 practical steps to nurture and provoke greatness that are powerful and simple.


They are:


1.     Get to know you team. Go beyond the template interview questions and get to know what drives their deepest desires and passions.

2.     Evaluate their skillset. If they were good enough to get through your door but not exactly a fit for the position being offered, consider other positions that might be a perfect fit. Never let talent walk out the door.

3.     Assign mentors. For new hires, and anyone stepping into a new position, consider providing a mentor to help shorten the learning curve and to provide support.  

4.     Help them create a clear path for success. Reaching new levels of success in one’s career is inspiring and energizing. Make sure every member of your team understands what success looks like.

5.     Provide feedback early and often. Don’t wait for the annual review—provide feedback on what’s going well, and what needs improvement early and often.


Thank you, Stacy, for sharing your brilliance—and a bit of your life story—with my community!


To get more ideas and strategies for achieving excellence in customer service,click here, and sign up for Stacy’s newsletter today!


Here’s To Your Greatness,



Misti Burmeister