Kinkster and Author Nookie Notes joins Bakji and Floss in this episode to discuss Female Led Relationships and her new website Part of what makes the kink community great is people with good insights on relationships and people who are will to present the community with new ideas and opportunities. Having followed Nookie Notes on Fetlife for some times and finding myself continuously loving lots of her writing, I thought why not invite her on the podcast. There were quite a few technical issues to overcome with this episode, the first time a Skype session has ever given is this much trouble, so please do bear with the episode even if there is the odd drop in sound.   Once we got chatting though we had a brilliant discussion chatting with Nookie Notes. We asked her about her writing, which you can find via her Fetlife account, she has also written a fair few books which you can find on amazon. Her books are predominantly about Female Led Relationships, with her erotica containing a good dose of cuckolding. While her Fetlife writings cover a wide range of subjects including consent, feelings, orgasms and much more.   We were very interested to discuss Nookie’s take on FLR’s and what they involve and how they relate to Kink, or if indeed they need to be related at all. Here at ProudToBeKinky we are big FemDom fans, not sure if anyone has ever noticed that, but FLR’s are different in and of themselves, so it was interested to hear where the similarities and differences lay.   As the podcast that likes to discuss the social side of kink we couldn’t have Nookie on without asking about the dating website she has created, She told us all about how she came to the decision to start a dating website, and how it has been developing over the last  6 months. We are really excited to see how this pans out in the future, and hopefully hear lots of great success stories of people finding great matches through it.   Quick fire questions return, as does out nosiness about what our guest is doing at the weekend, and as always there a fair few tangents that uncover some interesting topics of conversation, bidets and toilet roll included.   Regular listeners will have noticed our introduction now has a new addition, from our friends over at Off The Cuffs who kindly invited us into the Podcast Jukebox Network, please do listen to the great podcasts included in that, and leave them and us a great review if you are listening on iTunes/Apple Podcasts. If you have any comments, or questions for us, about the podcast or kink in general, you can get in touch on anyone of our social media accounts; Fetlife, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Just search for ‘proudtobekinky’ and there we will be. You can also swing by our Patreon page and support us there too, you can also get in touch with ideas for what rewards you would like to see on the Patreon page, all suggestions welcome.