Picture a cobblestone street bathed in twilight. A lone street performer, clad in worn-out garments, dances with vigor to a tune no longer in style. There's a crowd around them but, as the camera moves closer, you notice their faces passing by without meeting the gaze of our performer. Despite the dancer's passionate performance, with sweat pouring down their brow, not a single soul stops to watch. This somber scene reflects the cruel reality of being unnoticed despite giving your all. Just like the performer, companies in the bustling B2B SaaS landscape often find themselves clamoring for attention. To capture the audience’s heart, it’s not about shouting features; it’s about showing the depth and soul of your product through stories that resonate and evoke emotions.

Enter Tyler Lessard, the VP of Marketing and Chief Video Strategist at Vidyard - a maestro in content marketing. Like a seasoned choreographer, Tyler knows the moves to enthrall an audience without uttering a word. He’s the guiding light who shows how to weave storytelling into marketing, so your company doesn’t end up like the disheartened performer in the rain. In today’s episode, we’ll pirouette through the realms of content marketing, exploring how to craft stories that not only show but deeply connect, and ensure your product dances gracefully into the hearts of its audience.

High Level OverviewShowing Instead of Telling: Tyler Lessard emphasizes the concept of showing instead of telling in content marketing. Like a street performer, it's essential to captivate audiences through engaging and visual storytelling, which creates an emotional bond and authentic connection with them.The 3 Pillars of Sales Feed’s Success: Sales Feed, a content channel Tyler mentions, is built on the principles of Reach, Resonance, and Conversion. It focuses on extending the content to a wider audience, ensuring it has a lasting impact through resonance, and successfully driving desired actions.Using Humor in Content Without Crossing the Line: Tyler talks about the importance of humor in content but emphasizes the need for balance. Humor can humanize your brand, but it’s essential to ensure it aligns with your brand’s voice and doesn’t offend or alienate your audience.Building a Scalable Rapport Engine: By focusing on authentic content that shows rather than tells, and being consistent in engaging the audience through relevant, relatable, and resonant content, businesses can build a scalable rapport engine. This approach helps to forge deeper connections with the audience.Looking Inside and Outside of Tech for Content Inspiration: Tyler highlights the importance of looking both within and outside of the tech industry for content inspiration. He mentions following influencers on LinkedIn and also looking to consumer content creators like YouTubers and TikTokers for fresh ideas and perspectives.Building a Scalable Rapport Engine

Building a Scalable Rapport Engine is about nurturing relationships and creating an environment where your audience feels connected and valued. Like a well-tended garden, it requires consistent care, the right mix of elements, and a genuine touch to make it thrive. This approach will not only attract more people but will keep them coming back, laying the foundation for a strong and vibrant community around your brand.

Embrace Video Content: As Tyler Lessard highlights in the interview, video is a powerful medium that allows you to show instead of tell. With video, you can bring stories to life, display product features in action, and put a human face to your brand. It's not just about the polished and professional content; sometimes, a raw and authentic video can make a greater impact. Consider different types of video content such as testimonials, product demonstrations, behind-the-scenes, and educational content to engage your audience.Engage with Your Audience Regularly: Consistency is key in building a scalable rapport engine. Just like Tyler strives to post on LinkedIn at least three times a week, it's crucial to have a regular presence on your chosen platforms. Moreover, engage with your audience through comments, messages, and actively participate in discussions. This creates a sense of community and makes your audience feel like they are part of something bigger.Use Humor Judiciously: Humor can be a double-edged sword. When used effectively, it can humanize your brand and make your content memorable. However, it’s essential to stay aligned with your brand values and be mindful of cultural sensitivities. As Tyler mentions, the humor should be self-deprecating or light-hearted without crossing lines that might offend your audience.Draw Inspiration from Various Sources: In an ever-evolving content landscape, it's important to keep your content fresh and innovative. Tyler draws inspiration from various sources, including his children's YouTube recommendations and trending TikTok creators. Don’t limit yourself to the corporate world. Sometimes the most groundbreaking ideas can come from the most unexpected places.Stay Authentic and Show, Don’t Tell: Authenticity is the cornerstone of building a rapport engine. Show the genuine side of your brand through storytelling and visuals. As Tyler points out, you don't have to come up with a grand idea every time; sometimes sharing a quick tip or an interesting story can be just as effective.

In conclusion, building a scalable rapport engine is akin to weaving a rich tapestry with threads of authentic content, regular engagement, judicious use of humor, diverse inspiration, and showing the heart of your brand through visuals and storytelling. Like Tyler Lessard and his team at Vidyard, cultivate an ecosystem where meaningful connections can thrive, and your brand can flourish in the hearts of your audience.

Further Learnings

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