Previous Episode: MSC OME

Yash and Shree are back to share more of their BSMD knowledge. This episode focuses on applying to BSMD programs, giving insight into what to keep in mind when writing essays. We also hear about the writing processes that Yash and Shree went through and learn some tips from them.

[0:55] Essays for BSMD.

These essays are fundamentally different from any other ones you will write. They are asking for a specific answer to a specific question. The question is “why do you want to pursue medicine?” You must convince the committee that at such a young age, you know for sure that you want to take this path.

[5:06] Yash and Shree’s essay writing processes.

Yash started with a very rough draft. Even though it was far from perfect, it was a very important step because it simply helped him get started. He later made his own outline.

Shree continually thought about what the committee would want to see, which stopped him from putting his own experiences on paper. Once he got over this, ideas started flying. He has learned that the essay should be very personal.

Both students agree that having your essay read over by many people is necessary. Ideas may be clear to you when you write them down, but they may be confusing for others.

[13:25] Types of essays.

There can be multiple essays for each school. They can ask why you chose medicine or why you chose this school, and common application essays are possible as well. Yash wanted to demonstrate that he had a curiosity for science and liked helping people. It’s also good to add in any personal connections that draw you to medicine.

[20:08] Technicalities of writing.

You don’t have to be a stellar writer, but Shree says that showing, not telling, can make your essay stand out. Deeply describe how you felt in a situation instead of using general adjectives.

[23:01] Conclusion.

The most important takeaway is to make the essays your own. They will stand out if they are truly personalized.