Welcome to Prophecy Radio, a Percy Jackson podcast dedicated to all of Rick Riordan’s past, present, and future projects! Co-hosts Karen Rought and Kristen Kranz talk about what’s new in the Percy Jackson fandom, discuss all the books the Rick Riordan Presents authors have written outside of the Disney imprint, and analyze chapters 13 and 14 of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. New episodes of Prophecy Radio will air weekly, and all ages are welcome to tune in.

News and Updates (00:01:07)

This might be the longest doc we’ve had so far.
First and foremost, we have news from Rick’s blog!
There’s no current plan for a Daughter of the Deep sequel, but never say never!

The Lords of Night: A Shadow Bruja Novel and Serwa Boateng’s Guide of Vampire Hunting have official release dates and synopses.
We have an official update on where in the process the Nico di Angelo book currently is.
The book is at 117,000 words. How many pages is that?
We’re probably not getting anymore Percy Jackson television show news until 2022.
That includes no news for Disney+ Day.
BUT we know Becky and Rick have reviewed some casting callback tapes.
Read Riordan has spotlights on Nelinha, Ester, and Gemini.

The Last Fallen Star is officially in New Zealand!
You can sing to the karaoke version of The Lightning Thief Musical! (Edit: Apparently this is from 2019, and we had no idea!)
Forget Horse Girls, Embrace the Mythology Freak” by Jenny G. Zhang (here’s the tweet)
Sorry, Frank.
Why did we like mythology so much, and what do all the mythology freaks have in common?
(Say hi to Callie!)

Rick Riordan Presents authors’ other series (00:18:47)

We’re really excited about all the books, novellas, anthologies, and short stories these authors have written.
But fair warning: There are A LOT.
Anthologies have really made a resurgence lately, and we’re into it.
Up first is Roshani Chokshi, who wrote the Pandava Quintet/Aru Shah books!
She’s got some other stories here about Hindu mythology that might be for older audiences.
And one of her books definitely gives Six of Crows vibes, if you’re into that!
Next up is J.C. Cervantes!

Look, sometimes words are hard.
Karen just wants to keep Kristen on her toes.

Yoon Ha Lee, who wrote Dragon Pearl, is a very prolific writer.
There’s a lot of sci-fi here, and some really cool concepts.
Kristen gets her mind blown, repeatedly.
Festus, is that you?
Thank the gods for Wikipedia.
Next on our happy hit parade is Carlos Hernandez, who wrote Sal & Gabi.
Karen learned a fun fact about him, and she is very excited.
Short stories can get W E I R D.

Kwame Mbalia wrote the Tristan Strong series, as well as some other cool books.

Black Boy Joy seems like a really important book to have right now.
You might as well just assume almost everyone has written short stories.

Tehlor Kay Mejia wrote the Paola Santiago series, and she’s up next.
She’s got some great titles.
If you liked Dumplin’, then you might like Miss Meteor.
Forests are so cool and creepy.
Karen gets a book idea in the middle of recording.

Graci Kim wrote the Gifted Clan series, and Karen has a quick aside about the last book in the series.
She hasn’t written any other books, but we have some fun facts to share about her!
Who knew running away to the circus was so common?

Rebecca Roanhorse wrote Race to the Sun, and a lot more!.
You should watch Love and Monsters.
And then go read Roar by Cora Carmack.
We love a good title. And a good name.
How do we feel about historical fiction?
Here’s LeVar Burton reading “Wherein Abigail…,” “Takeback Tango,” and “Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience ™.”

Sarwat Chadda wrote City of the Plague God, as well as some other interesting books!
Have you seen A Little Princess?
Shoutout to Animorphs!

More short stories! More anthologies!
Next up is Lori M. Lee, who wrote Pahua and the Soul Stealer.
She’s a busy lady, but she does plan to finish her Gates of Thread and Stone series.
See? Forests are creepy!
Yeah, you should definitely read A Thousand Beginnings and Endings.

Roseanne A. Brown wrote Serwa Boateng’s Guide to Vampire Hunting, which we are very excited about.
She also just finished up her duology in her A Song of Wraiths and Ruin series.
They have some incredibly stunning covers.
It’s so cool that so many of these authors have written for Marvel and Star Wars, too.

Daniel José Older wrote Ballad & Dagger, which definitely has some shared threads with one of his other series.
If you’re looking for an adult series, look no further than Bone Street Rumba!
Daniel has written *all* kinds of books.
Well-behaved spirits are super lame.
Who else loves Waterworld??

Stacey Lee will be writing Winston Chu Versus the Whimsies, and Karen’s definitely heard of her books before.

Bridgerton might be a little spicy for our younger listeners.
Historical fiction about non-white stories are always interesting reads.
Everyone is running away to the circus!
Karen brings the whole podcast down.
Lastly, we’ve got Tracey Baptiste, who will be writing Moko Magic.
Lots of jumbies here!
Let’s throw in some Minecraft, shall we?
More jumbies!
Plus, some non-fiction!
We did it! We made it! We hope you found your next read.
If you’ve read any of these, let us know which ones we should start with!

Chapter Reviews (01:19:21)

Let’s talk about The Lightning Thief chapters 13 and 14.
Grover sleeps a lot. Thank the gods for Annabeth.
That chimera? No, thank you.
Ohio reference!
Karen breaks Kristen.
It’s always interesting when the female goddesses give birth to the demigods.
Annabeth’s childhood sounds rough, and it’s so sad. But we can’t wait to see her relationship with her father improve.
Percy doesn’t want to be enemies!
What, exactly, is Poseidon’s domain?
Prophecy Count: 4
Percy can see through the Mist a lot better now.
The dark is very scary.
Percy really needed to take this moment to reflect on everything that’s happening to him.
Who was the woman in the water?
How did that lady see through the Mist?
But, seriously, how exactly does the Mist work?
How has Percy never noticed he can breathe underwater?

Thanks for listening, and be sure to tune in next week for episode 8, which will discuss some Daughter of the Deep spoilers.

This episode’s hosts are: Karen Rought and Kristen Kranz.

Each episode, our Prophecy Radio hosts and their guests will keep you up to date on the latest information coming out of Camp Half-Blood, including upcoming books and adaptation news, discuss a topic of choice, and do a chapter by chapter reread of the Percy Jackson series.

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