Find out how Tyler started in the real estate business at a very young age of 18, learn about the real estate niche that has him overflowing with short-term cash flow returns, and discover how to get started in Airbnb rental business.


Resources/Links The ultimate property management software for short-term rentals
Air DNA: Short-Term Rental Data & Analytics from trusted Realtors



Tyler Hassman is a very inspirational 22-year old real estate entrepreneur. He started his real estate investment at a young age of 18. He got started in multi-family apartment buildings three years ago and now he’s focused primarily on vacation rentals and Airbnb type deals.

In this episode, Tyler tackles the exciting and interesting short-term cash flow returns of his Airbnb deals, the long-term benefit of having a multi-family building niche, and how one can get started on the real estate investing game.

Be sure to tune in and get real estate investment inspiration from this accomplished young gun.


Topics Covered:

04:09 –  How he started his multi-family apartment buildings investment at 18 years old

04:42 –  Jumping into managing listings from Airbnb’s luxury vacation rentals three years after he became an entrepreneur

07:21 –  Tyler revealed that particular scenario that got him hooked in Airbnb type of real estate investment

09:49 –  How he manages his Airbnb business while maintaining a travel lifestyle

12:33 –  How can one get started in an Airbnb rental business

15:59 –  On doing coaching and training aside from his real estate investment


Key Takeaways:

“Get started now. Stop procrastinating. Do not overanalyze.” – Tyler Hassman

Connect with Tyler Hassman:

Young Guns Academy Facebook


Connect with Dave Dubeau:

Property Profits Podcast


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