Dakotah Charron is a young real estate developer and investor who has been able to create a successful path by chasing his passion with a relentless work ethic within the real estate development realm. He is the president of both Arete Holdings Group & NREIC. Within 3.5 years at the age of 25 he has successfully been able to be a part of many real estate investments in the form of land development, flips & rentals in various capacities. As well, he has built Manitoba’s largest real estate working community, NREIC. 


In this episode, Dakotah shares how NREIC brings people together as each individual works to leverage one another. He also talks about the importance of having specialized education in a group as well as bringing in value in order to reach what’s best for all members. 


What you’ll learn in just 21 minutes from today’s episode: 


Discover how much of a game changer it is when you bring in experts to discuss very specialized knowledge for various members along with a one-of-a-kind experience; 

Find out how to use the situation of this pandemic as a pool of opportunities; and 
Understand why you should be providing value in a group for you to receive as much in return 




Arete Holdings Group: https://www.areteholdingsgroup.com/ 
National Real Estate Investors Community (NREIC): https://www.nreic.ca/ 




Topics Covered: 


01:23 – Talking about the start of Earls Restaurant as well as the eligibility requirement for the members 


03:42 – Where most NREIC’s members are from 


04:32 – How his preceding experience in real estate led him to create NREIC 


06:17 – Why real estate investors should join a real estate club 


08:02 – NREIC’s focus: one-of-a-kind experiences, networking, and specialized education 


11:15 – Adjusting to the changes brought by the pandemic 


16:28 – Where to go and what to do when thinking about joining/creating a real estate group 


19:41 – Connect with Dakotah and the NREIC 



Key Takeaways: 


“As any great entrepreneur story starts – when you can’t find it, you build it.” – Dakotah Charron 


“When we’re not growing, we’re essentially dying. We all have an obligation to somewhat grow, serve our family, serve the community, and ultimately, the world. That’s my personal philosophy. If you want to grow, you’ve always got to be surrounded by people that are further ahead, and you also want to be pulling people up and helping people as well. That’s part of growth. From a high-level view, I think that’s the key.” – Dakotah Charron 


“I try and see everything as an opportunity.” – Dakotah Charron 


“If somebody wants to start something like this, look at contributing value within those communities. See how you can serve within. See how you can improve somebody else’s life within. Give, give, give and you’ll get just as much out.” – Dakotah Charron 


“Leverage as many tools, researches, consultants, coaches. Be a big part of what other people are doing. Ask them how you can support them, because by being a part of the support group, by providing value, you’re going to get so much out of it. People see that. People sense that. People want to help people who help people.” – Dakotah Charron 



Connect with Dakotah Charron: 


Website: http://www.areteholdingsgroup.com/; http://www.nreic.ca/ 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dakotahcharron/; https://www.instagram.com/nreic/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dakotahl; https://www.facebook.com/NREIC-National-Real-Estate-Investors-Community-2249867498436299 



Connect with Dave Dubeau: 


Podcast: http://www.propertyprofitspodcast.com/ 
Website: https://davedubeau.com/home 

Investor Attraction Workshop: http://www.investorattractionworkshop.com/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedavedubeau 
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/davedubeau