What you’ll learn in just 15 minutes from today’s episode: 


Learn about the secrets of having a group last for decades; 

Understand why it’s necessary for you to join REIAs in relation to avoiding severe consequences from the law once ignorance prevails; and 
Find out why industry connections, especially those of which came from various professions, is a great +1 in doing real estate. 





Website: https://ccia-info.com 





Jane Garvey is an active investor & educator focusing on real estate. She is also a rental property owner, author, group leader, and Legislative Advocate. Jane co-founded the Chicago Creative Investors Association in 1983, a real estate group that provides real estate investment education and networking through meetings and training events designed for both new and seasoned investors on a full spectrum of real estate strategies.  


In this episode, Jane talks about the Chicago Creative Investors Association along with the secrets on how they’re able to make it last for decades and the importance of joining a group in relation to the government and the law. 



Topics Covered: 


01:08 – Chicago Creative Investors Association’s decades of history and how they made it last this long 


03:35 – The kind of meetings Chicago Creative Investors Association hold along with the schedule for each, pre- and during COVID 


07:12 – Providing online content in a national reach 


08:39 – Why it’s beneficial for you to join a group, Chicago Creative Investors Association more so 


09:47 – The consequences one has faced because of ignorance of the law 


12:10 – Jane’s top favorite with regards to their members’ success stories 


13:50 – Learn more about Jane and the Chicago Creative Investors Association by visiting their website: https://ccia-info.com 



Key Takeaways: 


“Board meetings suck. They’re boring. We could do everything that needs doing in less time that it takes to do a board meeting, so let’s just do it.” – Jane Garvey 


“Industry connections. That’s huge. Knowing other people that can help you tell and decide what you’d want to be doing if you’re purchasing something or you’re hiring a contractor.” – Jane Garvey 


“I can tell people just from my years of doing this where beginners and people that are not connected with a group are going to trip and fall and get punished big time by the government. Ignorance is no excuse for the government.” – Jane Garvey 


“Somebody the other day called me up and said, ‘Jane, you’re the most selfless person I have ever met.’ I don’t know whether it is selfishness or I just haven’t figured out how to monetize anything, but it could be selflessness because I really do spend a lot of time helping people.” – Jane Garvey 



Connect with Jane Garvey: 


Website: https://ccia-info.com 


Connect with Dave Dubeau: 


Podcast: http://www.propertyprofitspodcast.com/ 
Website: https://davedubeau.com/home 
Investor Attraction Workshop: http://www.investorattractionworkshop.com/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedavedubeau 
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/davedubeau