There's a way to massively LEVERAGE your local real estate investment association (REIA) / clubs/meetups that you need to know about...and that's what today's guest is going to share with us... 

Lee Yoder was practicing physical therapy when he realized his true passion was building his own business and investing in real estate. He took massive action to quickly build a portfolio with several small apartment buildings. He was able to quickly reposition this portfolio, bring it to a full cycle, and provide a great return for his investors and himself.  A large part of Lee's success has come from leveraging his local real estate investment association (REIA). 

In this episode, Lee shares how you can maximize the impact of becoming part of a local REIA as he discusses the benefits of being in one – from education, networking, and overall career success. 

Checkout: Raising Capital Without Rejection Full-Day Workshop (Online):

What you'll learn in just 16 minutes from today's episode: 

Find out how to leverage and really take advantage of your local REIA / Club to become more successful, faster with your portfolio; 
Discover the difference between joining a local REIA/Club vs. being part of big-time coaching programs; and 
Understand why you should be clear with whatever it is that you want to pursue when joining a REIA / Club in your area. 


Threefold Real Estate Investing:
Threefold Real Estate Investing podcast:

Topics Covered: 

01:35 – The start of Lee’s involvement with REIAs in his city
03:18 – How the REIA community helped him achieve his notable successes in his career
05:23 – Learning from local REIAs vs. big-time coaching programs
09:19 – Tips for the newbies who are planning to join and take advantage of a local REIA
11:21 – Conversational ice breakers from Lee
12:28 – More about Lee Yoder: Threefold Real Estate Investing, the podcast, and his socials

Key Takeaways:

“There’s a lot of people in my city that are really into real estate. It’s comforting; it’s a good feeling to see that there’s a lot of other people doing what you’re trying to do. It gives you a little more confidence. There’s just a community about it. So, you don’t feel alone.” – Lee Yoder
“Getting a really good bunch of education and networking with a lot of people, just kind of talking together and brainstorming and working towards a similar goal before doing it separately, it’s just really powerful for me. It gave me a lot of confidence.” – Lee Yoder
“I have nothing against coaching programs, paid to coach, paid mentorship. I probably would have done it, but I just didn’t have to because I had the REIA.” – Lee Yoder
“Take small steps. Decide how bad you want to get into the space and how much you want to have success. It gets easier over time.” – Lee Yoder

Connect with Lee Yoder:

Email: [email protected] 

Connect with Dave Dubeau: 

Investor Attraction Workshop: 

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