Know how to handle rejections and see ‘NO’ as your advantage, find out how to establish your own core group of investors, and learn an effective approach to talk to, educate and pre-qualify your prospective investor.

Your Million Dollar Network: How to Start and Build Your Million Dollar Network by July Ono
Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty: The Only Networking Book You’ll Ever Need by Harvey Mackay


July Ono is a  real estate entrepreneur focusing on multi-family property investments. She is an author, a trainer, and a coach. She’s got deals in Northern British Columbia, done deals in Ontario, built a massive building from scratch at Langley, British Columbia, and bottom line, she created a solid vast portfolio starting from nothing in around ten years. She created a portfolio of over 525  properties, and she did all of that with other people’s money.

In today’s episode, we dive into how many people July has in her core group of investors, how she attracted those investor partners to her, and how she stays within the guidelines of working with the securities commission, and why it is essential to start and build your million dollar network.


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Topics Covered:

02:50 - The properties July had when she and Dave met, where she’s just getting started in real estate

04:00 - July’s journey to real estate - from being devastated by life, enrolling in acting class, becoming a public speaker and how it all helps her in dealing with investors

07:15 - Tips and advice on how to talk with your prospective investors - plus how to be a better networker

11:10 - What July do to learn everything about real estate and what sparks her interest in it

14:05 - Benefits of having your partner supporting you in what you do and how July found her niche and got her first deal

21:37 - How to handle rejection and see ‘NO’ differently, July’s first deal through investors, and why you should never say a figure to a potential buyer

28:37 - Maintaining on the good side of the securities commission - plus how to handle legal documents

34:17 - The amount of capital and investors you need to create a portfolio of over 500 units and how July developed her core group of investors

41:30 - What you need to know to take that first step towards raising capital, finding investors, and making your first deal

43:17 - Afraid of approaching people to ask for money? - July’ advise and how she educates and pre-qualifies investors using the seven profits center in real estate and a personal story

55:24 - Getting your prospective investors to talk about their story to educate them using their own life


Key Takeaways:

“When your agenda is more important than their (investors) agenda, they simply won’t give you money.” – July Ono

“I made meeting people a strategy.” – July Ono

“The seminars are just a venue to mastermind with lots of other like-minded people. I would provide the venue, and people will show up. And eventually, you do this often enough; you become the trusted authority.” – July Ono

“You never go into trying to sell a deal to anybody. It’s simply not going to work.” – July Ono



Connect with July Ono:

[email protected]


Connect with Dave Dubeau:

Property Profits Podcast

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