Today marks our very first episode, and we would like to share you the story of our featured guest Julie Hoffman. Listen up and get geared up on the things we needed to know about real estate investing.

Julie Hoffman is an experienced real estate investor who started her career in 2001. She has transacted over 300 deals and over $80 million in real estate. She has a passion for helping other up-and-coming real estate investors and professionals. Over the next 5-10 years, she looks forward to doing more teachings and coaching in the area of Real Estate Investing, as well as more property development.

In this episode, Julie shares some of the “landmines” that she discovered along her real estate career, how she bravely faced and overcome her rough road of challenges. Let her story be an inspiration on how you will walk the journey as a real estate investor. 


“I always recommend people get started. It's better to get started because your experience is what's valuable.”

-Julie Hoffman


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Topics Covered:


01:45 – Julie’s selling journey: sold a condo conversion in a month

02:28 – The greatest struggle Julie experienced and how this experience lead her to regain her confidence and strength in selling and save people from bankruptcy

04:46 – How her flipping deals helped her grow and raise her first capitals for her real estate investment business

07:09 – Julie’s unfair advantage in finding and getting investors

09:06 – How her volunteer work helped her get instant credibility and an extra opportunity for her career and business

14:14 – The things she does to structure her every deal to comply on the good side of the not-so-friendly securities commission

16:37 – How she established her solid track record as a real estate investor


Key Takeaways:

“The cool thing about what I went through is I didn't find anybody who could help me. I had to become the person who could help people like me in the situation that I was in.” – Julie Hoffman

“If people knew I understood what they were going through, it will be very easy for me to talk to the motivated seller because I have been in their shoes.” – Julie Hoffman

 “Don’t do things from a place that ‘I'm making this trade for money’. Do it from a genuine perspective of I want to help and be part of something great.” – Julie Hoffman

 “Keep people secured on a title. That is the safest place to be when it comes to investments. You got to keep their money secured. Secure your investors as absolutely best as possible.” – Julie Hoffman



Street-Smart Networking Handbook
Toastmasters International
Sandler Training
Tony Robbins
Ron LeGrand
Rich Dad Poor Dad Book by Robert Kiyosaki
Investing in Rent-to-Own Property Book by Mark Loeffler


Connect with Julie Hoffman:



Connect with Dave Dubeau:

Property Profits Podcast

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