Having to reinvest with you is a lot easier and less costly than generating new investors. 

How do you keep communication consistent by staying in front of them, under promise but overdeliver, setting realistic expectations but delivering dream results every time, and getting them to invest over and over again? 

This second part of capital activators has got you covered. 

Checkout: Raising Capital Without Rejection Full-Day Workshop (Online): https://investorattractionworkshop.com/

What you’ll learn from today’s episode:

Find out how to make your prospects decide to invest with you without being pushy with them 
Learn how to go the extra mile with your prospects and build lasting relationships 
Discover how to make you a hero with your investors your raving fans 


Are you looking to attract investors and raise capital for your deals? Get a complimentary copy of Dave Dubeau’s newest book, called ‘The Money Partner Formula’. Get your PDF version at investorattractionbook.com
Join me for one of my upcoming live one-day virtual workshops. You can register here: https://investorattractionworkshop.com/ 

Topics Covered: 

00:29 – How to deliver the dream results 

01:17 – Under promise but overdeliver 

01:44 – What to keep in mind when doing investor presentation 

04:50 – How to turn your investors into raving fans willing to reinvest with you 

06:01 – What’s in the capital activator number six 

09:37 – What’s with referrals as capital activator number eight 

12:12 – Managing unrealistic expectations 

13:05 – How to help our investors make it easy for them to refer us 

15:18 – What this whole idea of the ‘before’, ‘during’, and ‘after’ units in your business 

15:45 – They’re going to act on their timeline, not on my timeline 

17:12 – What you can do to make them decide to invest with you 

17:48 – Having that proactive marketing stance 

20:00 – A matter of planting seeds constantly 

Key Takeaways: 

“If you under-promise, it makes it a lot easier to over-deliver.” – Dave Dubeau 

“A big problem I see with a lot of folks when they’re doing their investor presentation is that the case study they use is one of their home runs. Or if they’re a brand-new investor, they’re showing somebody else an example, that was a home run. That’s the temptation, I’ve made that mistake myself.” – Dave Dubeau 

“What you want to do instead is just show a plain Jane deal. And if possible, and the numbers are still attractive, knock it down a few notches so that you have a good opportunity when you do an actual deal with them to over-deliver.” – Dave Dubeau 

“When you’re showing a deal to a prospective investor, I would highly recommend that you base your projections on the national average, not on what’s happening locally, right this moment.” – Dave Dubeau 

“How do we surprise them after we’ve wrapped up the deal. Here’s one way you can do it, once you’ve given them their final check, let’s say the deals are done, don’t just give them the check. But give them a thank you gift as well. Take a little bit of that profit and invest in that relationship, it will go a long way.” – Dave Dubeau 

“Once the deal is done, they’re really not expecting anything more from you. So, if you deliver something more after the transaction is over, you’re really going to stand up.”  – Dave Dubeau 

“You’re not going to convince anybody to invest with you, you’re not going to convince them to do that, they’re going to make up their own mind that it’s a good idea to invest with you.”  – Dave Dubeau 

Connect with Dave Dubeau: 

Property Profits Podcast 

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