Learn how to go after your leads and get the highest conversion rate, discover that one real estate strategy John focuses on that brings profitable revenue to him, and know more about the negotiating techniques John uses to avoid resistance from potential sellers that enables him to close every closable deal.





John Martinez is a serial entrepreneur and a highly sought-after sales expert. John is best known for his sales training in the real estate investment industry. Having trained over 500 of the country’s top Real Estate Investors and their teams, his scripts, sales, and negotiation strategies have transformed the real estate investment industry and are now widely accepted as the industry’s gold standard. 

In this episode of The Property Profits Real Estate Podcast, John will share the negotiation skills he uses that bring the highest lead conversion rates to his business. You will discover one strategy that has him owning more or less 200 houses bought directly from owners at a discount. 

Topics Covered: 

01:30 – His backstory into how he got into real estate 

02:37 – What strategy is he focusing on 

03:42 – What is one biggest problem he sees when it comes to sales conversations 

05:02 – How to avoid screwing up sales conversations 

09:33 – Steps to make in going after the leads 

11:39 – Tips on how to be good at negotiating 

13:25 – What mistakes investors usually commit when closing deals  

16:16 – What is the secret to success in real estate

Key Takeaways: 

“The biggest mistake I find is not that there’s too much focus on marketing, but not enough on actually converting the leads that you’re producing into deals.” – John Martinez 

“Don’t lead with the offer. Hold off until the very end of the conversation to make your offer. Make sure you focus a front end conversation on what actually caused them to reach out, what they’re dealing with, and talk as much as possible about their situation. In so doing, you’re going to learn exactly what they need and, what they need to hear, and what concerns they have. Then, you learn how to present your offer. And that alone is going to increase conversion rates.” – John Martinez 

“Right up front you just want to set proper expectations because people usually come into these situations, any sales situation, especially this because there’s a lot of unknowns around it. People aren’t really familiar with people who buy houses cash. So just setting proper expectations and letting people know that a yes or no is okay. That right there will relieve a lot of pressure.” – John Martinez 

“Follow-up is important, but we want a follow-up to be effective and we want to make sure that we’re only following up with deals where we’ve got a chance of closing them. We don’t want to just follow up on deals for the sake of following up. We also don’t want to follow up deals when we could have closed it right there.” – John Martinez 

“Basically, when you push too hard, especially in a complex deal situation like real estate, the more times you try to close, the harder you push, the less likely you are to get a deal. Instead of people relieving pressure, they’re creating pressure.” – John Martinez 

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