Do you know the real estate way to wealth and freedom? It’s finding massively discounted properties - picking the best for yourself and selling off the rest. 
Today's guest, Zack Boother will show us how!. 

Zack Boothe is the host of the Driving For Dollars Mastery podcast, where Zack shares his insider secrets to finding massively discounted properties regardless of experience level. Zack went from a successful window cleaner to an even more successful millionaire, a real estate investor. 

Checkout: Raising Capital Without Rejection Full-Day Workshop (Online):

What you'll learn in just 17 minutes from today's episode: 

Discover the power behind doing wholesale in addition to holding properties.
Find out to do the math when doing marketing and getting wholesale deals;
Understand why spending 25cents or less to make a dollar through your marketing strategy is a smart target to shoot for.


Driving For Dollars:

Driving For Dollars Mastery podcast:

Rich Dad Poor Dad:

Mojo Dialer:

Living Your Best Year Ever:
Zack’s Free Resource: The 7 Reasons Why Driving For Dollars is the Fastest Way to Make a Fortune in Real Estate Investing


Topics Covered: 

00:57 – Shifting from being a window cleaner to becoming a real estate entrepreneur
03:30 – The time Zack started exploring real estate through doing wholesale then later on establishing Driving For Dollars
05:18 – Zack explains what Driving For Dollars is all about
07:12 – The size of market Zack’s focusing on
09:37 – Doing cold calls, sending text messages and postcards
10:22 – The minimal size of a market that’s viable for someone to start with
12:52 – How the journal Living Your Best Year Ever helped Zack help other people
15:30 – Free resource: The 7 Reasons Why Driving For Dollars is the Fastest Way to Make a Fortune in Real Estate Investing

Key Takeaways:

“I went all in, made a lot of mistakes. It wasn’t very pretty. I wasn’t the smartest guy in the world. I still don’t think I’m the smartest guy in the world. But I rolled up my sleeves, I had a wonderful mentor that gave me action steps, and it changed my life; it really did.” – Zack Boothe
“Everything that I do, my podcast, everything is branded Driving For Dollars because that marketing strategy, that way to find deeply discounted properties changed everything for me.” – Zack Boothe
“Most people think you need this giant team and giant company to build a million-dollar company as I have with Driving For Dollars, but with the technology of today, that’s not the case.” – Zack Boothe
“The math you have to look at is what’s the median house’s price in your market? Times that by 0.1 which will give you 10% which should be your average wholesale deal. Times that by 0.25 and that’s how much you can expect to spend on marketing, and it doesn’t matter if you’re texting cold calling or postcards. My most expensive as far as cost per dollar is about 18 or 19cents to make a dollar with cold calling, and that counts paying in-house cold callers 18 bucks an hour.” – Zack Boothe

Connect with Zack Boothe:

Email: [email protected]

Connect with Dave Dubeau: 

Investor Attraction Workshop: 

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