Michael Steven is a Bestselling Author, Entrepreneur, and Investor. A leading authority figure in the world of business, money, finance, and real estate investing. With over 30 years of experience, he teaches people how to get out of debt and stay out of debt, PLUS
he teaches them how to become financially free in the real estate world and with
all this said, he shows them how to do it with little or no money at all.

In this episode, Michael shares it's never too late to start investing in real estate. He suggests reading a book and doing what you learn. He also shares what makes real estate investing stand out from all other investments.

Checkout: Raising Capital Without Rejection Full-Day Workshop (Online): https://investorattractionworkshop.com/

What you'll learn in just 17 minutes from today's episode: 

Find out why real estate investing of all other investment vehicles
Learn how being an author impacts you both professionally and personally
Discover his tips on what deals to focus on when just starting and things you can do to become even more successful


Buy Michael's books. Click here: https://vagpublishing.com/

Topics Covered: 

00:55 - What made him dive into real estate investing and eventually into writing books
02:32 - Why real estate investing and not any other investment vehicles
04:19 - Real estate deals new investors can delve into and the best things you can do to be successful
06:29 - How his clients got him started writing books
07:05 - A 14-year old reading his book
09:38 - How writing books helped him professionally
10:22 - Never too late to get started
11:05 - Where you can buy Michael's books
11:56 - Check out his new book: Rental Property Strategies

Key Takeaways:

"90% of millionaires in this world have made money through real estate, doesn't matter what you've touched, real estate has always worked and always will work." - Michael Steven

"Surround yourself with professionals. Don't listen to people that aren't on the same level as you. Listen to the experts, people that are up there and have nothing to lose and are less jealous because people at your level don't want to see you doing better than them." - Michael Steven

"In my professional career, [writing a book] just gives you credibility. But, the purpose of this is not to get flowers thrown at it. I want people to educate themselves. I want them to get their hands on this and really start their real estate empire." - Michael Steven

"It is never too late. Because if that property brings you 1500 a month you're gonna end up buying a few of them, you're gonna build your passive income fast enough." - Michael Steven

Connect with Michael Steven:

Website: https://vagpublishing.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/438958360648668
Twitter: https://twitter.com/publishing_v
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vagpublishing
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B08F814H22

Connect with Dave Dubeau: 

Podcast: http://www.propertyprofitspodcast.com/ 
Website: https://davedubeau.com/home 
Investor Attraction Workshop: http://www.investorattractionworkshop.com/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedavedubeau 
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/davedubeau 

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